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Billy Bragg – Tooth & Nail

Billy Bragg’s first studio album since 2008’s Mr Love & Justice – and his 13th in total – presents a very laidback, mellow side of the activist and singer. Recorded in South Pasadena, California by producer Joe Henry, these 12 songs,…

Jackie Oates – Lullabies

Unless there are babies in the house, this would appear to be a somewhat niche and perhaps even indulgent fifth album by Oates, who cut her teeth with The Unthanks and has since gone on to star with The Imagined Village. Niche, but…

Anaïs Mitchell – Child Ballads

Over 10 volumes released between 1882 and 1898 (posthumously), American scholar and folklorist Francis James Child compiled 305 traditional Celtic and British ballads in a major and enduring contribution to the study of oral storytelling.…