The Less-Cool Version of Batushka Has Released a New Song

There are two versions of Batushka, both of whom released albums in 2019, one of which Vince and I agreed was one of the best releases of the year.
This is a story about the other Batushka.
This Batushka — the one lead by vocalist Bartłomiej Krysiuk and signed to Metal Blade — has released a new song called “ИРМОС II / IRMOS II,” and it’s actually… not bad? It’s still not as good as anything on the Krzysztof Drabikowski-Batushka’s Панихида, but it’s certainly better than anything on Krysiuk-Batushka’s Hospodi. It feels like a fairly conscious effort to emulate the slower, more epic sound of Панихида — in fact, the really cynical side of me wonders if it’s a coincidence that track’s title is spelled out in Cyrillic and not just translated phonetically.
You can check out “ИРМОС II / IRMOS II” for yourself below. Krysiuk and Drabikowski remain embroiled in a lawsuit over the Batushka name, the details of which you can catch up with here as of last June (there have not been any public updates since then).
[via Metal Injection]