The Acacia Strain Post Two More New Songs

Starting in February, The Acacia Strain began putting out two-song singles every month, culminating in the eventual full-length album, Slow Decay, which finally saw release this past Friday, July 24. Included on the record are yet another two songs that’ve yet to be heard by the public, “Crippling Poison” and “Birds of Paradise, Birds of Prey,” both of which you can stream below along with the full album. Order Slow Decay here.
Speaking to The MetalSucks Podcast earlier this month, guitarist Devin Shidaker said of the band’s decision to put out two songs for per month leading up to the album release:
“With [‘Slow Decay’] it was a similar idea to [2019 album] ‘It Comes In Waves.’ We didn’t want to do the same thing with it being a surprise release, but we thought about how everything has changed over the past few years with how we consume music. When you put out a record, you have this huge hype train of everyone going ‘the new record is out on this day’ and ‘check it out on this day.’ Everyone’s worried about their first week sales, there’s all this build up, everyone’s talking about your record for a week when it comes out. And then you do some tours on it but you’re not keeping it in everyone’s mind.
“So we figured it we break this up and release it slowly like we have been, basically two songs a month in EP form, it gives people something to look forward to and it keeps it fresh in everyone’s mind. Like if I listen to the first two songs that came out and then two more songs come out, I’m gonna listen to the first two again as well to see how they relate to each other. And I think it’s been working pretty well for us. They’re staying fresh in everyone’s mind as opposed to just being like, ‘oh yeah, forgot about that.’