Static-X’s Latest Sells 11,900 Copies More Than the New Trapt Album

Static-X’s Project Regeneration, Vol. 1 sold 12,500 copies — or 11,900 copies more than the new Trapt album — in its first week release, according to the band.
That was enough to earn it the following chart positions:
- #48 Billboard Top 200
- #2 Current Hard Music Albums
- #2 Current Rock Albums
- #2 Indie Records
- #4 Billboard Top Albums
Project Regeneration, Vol 1. is Static-X’s first new album in eleven years, and first new album since the death of frontman and namesake Wayne Static. It may or may not contain significant contributions from the band’s former guitarist, convicted sex offender Tripp Eisen. A release date for Project Regeneration, Vol 2. has not yet been announced.
[via The PRP]