Dee Snider Talks About the Role Musicians Play During the Pandemic

Twisted Sister frontman Dee Snider was our guest on this week’s episode of The MetalSucks Podcast. Dee discussed his new live Blu Ray/DVD, For The Love of Metal Live, the immediate connection the songs from his latest solo album had with fans, how a lot of us have gained perspective during the forced downtime of the pandemic to focus on real problems, and how artists have to realize their roles in society have changed. On that last point, Dee shared:
“All of us have gotten a lot of perspective during these times of what really matters. I’ve got a house on the beach, yes, I’m a rich rockstar, and the house they’re building next door is ugly and I was angry. Then Covid hit and I thought my daughter was trapped in Peru. I struggled for two weeks to get her out of there and she was in grave danger. Suddenly that house seemed insignificant and it still seems insignificant to real problems, and that’s perspective.
“I’ve gotten perspective on what I do, entertainment, art, and I realize that we really are a distraction, we’re not that important, other than we distract people from the ugliness of the world. And people do need distraction. But that’s what art provides, it takes us away from our problems. Sometimes it lifts us, sometimes it inspires us but more than anything, if I put on an album right now, it’s a distraction from the day to day issues that people are dealing with. Because of this crisis, some of these issues are brutal. Death. Sickness. Poverty, Bankruptcy. Losing your house. Not having food on the table. There’s really dark things going on so art does have a place because people do need to forget once in a while.”
You can listen to the full chat with Dee right here or below.