Hundred Waters’ trayer tryon Announces New Album, Shares Song With Julie Byrne: Listen

Hundred Waters producer and multi-instrumentalist trayer tryon has announced a new solo album, new forever. The LP will be released via Terrible Records. The eight-song record includes contributions from Julie Byrne, Moses Sumney, and Sigur Rós’ Jónsi. Below, hear “new forever” (featuring Julie Byrne) and “rua dos pioneiros.”
Hundred Waters’ last studio album was 2017’s Communicating.
Read Pitchfork’ Rising interview “Julie Byrne: Seeking Serenity in an Insane World.”
new forever:
01 windy inside
02 new forever [ft. Julie Byrne]
03 rua dos pioneiros
04 konstantine
05 codependents EU tour
06 9 moons of earth
07 cul de sac
08 using the sky